Who Needs STD Testing


Who Needs STD Testing

Millions of people suffer from sexually transmitted diseases each year. When left untreated, they can cause severe problems that include infertility, blindness, cancer, and organ damage. Most people don’t get prompt treatment for their condition because they don’t know they have STD. People don’t get STD testing because of the stigma connected with sexually transmitted diseases. The only way to know if you have STD or not is through tests.

If you are sexually active, you should consider getting STD testing. You should consider getting a test if you are going to start a new relationship. That way you will be sure that you are not going to infect your soon-to-be partner.

You should consider STD or HIV testing if you and your partner are thinking of not using condoms. Another reason for being tested is if your partner has cheated on you. Regular STD testing is necessary if you or your significant other has multiple partners.

While most STDs don’t have symptoms, some conditions do have indicators. If you have symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, you should be tested right away. You should also talk to your doctor about the symptoms.

If you are in a long-term relationship and both of you are monogamous, there’s no need to have regular STD testing. However, there are many people involved in long-term relationships were not tested before they became a couple. If that is the case for your relationship, you should be tested right away. There’s a chance that one of you might be suffering from an undiagnosed STD.

Common STDs Tests

There are many sexually transmitted diseases. To know what type of test to get, consult your doctor. Most doctors will encourage their patients to be tested for chlamydia, human immunodeficiency virus, syphilis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, and trichomoniasis. The doctor will not tell you to test for herpes unless you have an exposure to the virus.

Consult Your Doctor

STD testing might not be part of your annual physical check-up. Most doctors don’t test their patients for STDs. It is vital that you ask your doctor for STD or HIV testing when needed. You should ask which tests and why you need them. You should also get screened when you are pregnant because STDs can affect the foetus.

There is nothing to be shy about when it comes to your sexual health. If you are concerned about a specific symptom or condition, consult your doctor about it. The more honest you are about the condition, the better treatment you will get from your doctor.

If you have any reason as to think you are suffering from an HIV infection, then undergo HIV testing as soon as possible. HIV PEP is only effective within 72 hours after exposure to the virus.

You can get STD testing at the doctor’s office. There are also at-home tests for some STDs, but they are not reliable. It is best to let your doctor handle the testing for you to get reliable results.

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