Understanding Your STD Status

Sexual Transmitted diseases have become common these days especially in the sexually active group of people who practice unprotected sex. When people are asked to go for STD testing, they normally assume everything and continue living their lives. The truth is, STIs can ruin your life if not early detected and managed therefore it is good to know your STI status every time you have sex even if you use protection. Some of these diseases progress in stages, and when you counter attack the disease during its early stages, you will be able to restore your health back to normal.

You Can Stop HIV AIDS within 72 Hours

When you do unprotected sex, and you suspect yourself of having contracted HIV/AIDS, visit the nearest health centre so that you get HIV PEP. PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis which will make all the viruses to die before they replicate and increase your viral load in the body. This will only work if you avail yourself to the clinic before 72 hours elapse. Upon reaching the health care facility, your HIV status will be tested, and if it is positive, you not be given these drugs because they will not work. HIV testing is voluntary therefore you need to decide if you want it to be done on you or not.

Syphilis Can Be Cured If Managed Early

One of the most common STDs is Syphilis; it needs to be treated early so that it does not spread to other parts of the body. Testing should be done immediately after unprotected sex to confirm the growth of the Treponema species. It normally goes into latency and spreads to nearby tissues. Always make sure that you treat the species early enough so that you don’t have a massive infection. Syphilis can even affect your reproductive system.

Most of the STDs normally take long before they get severe and start to threaten the life of the affected. You need to ensure that you get quick STD Testing and if possible, staging should be done to determine the most effective treatment to be used. Most laboratories do culture and sensitivity. Culture and sensitivity helps to determine the best drug that can be used to treat the infection. Resistance of the pathogens on drugs can prolong the infection thereby altering the healing the process. The use of weak antibiotics is what can lead to the resistance of the strains.

To conclude, HIV testing and STD testing should a routine exercise for many people. Don’t wait until you start experiencing severe symptoms then start to look for treatment. It might take long before you start to experience the best outcomes of the treatment process. When it is still during the early stages of the infection process, you can use even the weak medicines, and they will clear the infection. Relapses of the disease can occur if some strains remain in the blood stream, therefore, make sure that the treatment you receive will clear every pathogen in the blood.

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